



The world lacks not opinions and powers, but a presence, a personal revealing exchange of thoughts and ears that listen.

Discussion – Conversation is an event where choreographer-dancer Sanna Kekäläinen and director Janne Saarakkala get to know each other in front of the audience by having a confidential and intimate discussion. They strive to practice the missing skills and follow the dialogue, the spontaneous flow of their consciousness. The topics of discussion are intimacy and love, as well as what else artists have in their hearts at that very moment and where the discussion leads them. Each conversation is a unique event that unravels and looks at personality, privacy, covering and hiding, and opening and revealing in a non-representative way.

Keskustelu – Conversation was performed in 2019 under the name Kaksi käsitteellistä versiota henkilökohtaisesta at Amos Rex art museum. The event is based on tasks set by Sanna Kekäläinen, which Janne Saarakkala has tackled using his method of a stream of consciousness. The method was originally created for Saarakkala’s solo performance Talking head, which he has performed and versioned since  2001.

The work is also performed as the touring version Tête-à-tête.



  • Kaksi käsitteellistä versiota henkilökohtaisesta, Amos Rex 2019
  • Keskustelu-Conversation, K&C Space 20.-27.10.2020
  • Tête-à-tête, XS-festival, Kutomo 2.12.2020
  • Tête-à-tête, Bodybuilding-festival 13.5.2021
  • Keskustelu-Conversation, Instagram Live 27.10.2021
  • Keskustelu-Conversation, K&C Space 29.10.2021