
Puna-Red-Rouge | photo: Heli Rekula | in the photo: Sanna Kekäläinen

PUNA – RED – ROUGE (2007)
Choreographer-dancer Sanna Kekäläinen’s solo Puna-Red-Rouge brings together two worlds of experience that are usually thought of as opposites. On one hand the very personal and private and on the other the common and public. The name of the piece alludes to this. As a color red is a symbol to both private and subjective and to the provocatively universal.

Sanna Kekäläinen’s pioneering choreographic work has from the beginning integrated different art fields to contemporary dance. She started working with this piece by writing about personal memories and meanings and by expanding them to the universal and to the recent past. They gave the form and the concepts to the work. In the piece words and both private and universal meanings are transformed to the characteristic movement of contemporary dance. Private is public!

Script, choreography, text, set design and dance: Sanna Kekäläinen
Choreographer’s assistant and costume design: Lilja Lehmuskallio
Video: Heli Rekula
Lighting design: Sirje Ruohtula
Production: Kekäläinen & Company / Kiasma Theatre
Premiere 21st of February 2007, Kiasma Theatre
Preview 18th of February 2007
Performances 18./21./23./24./28.2. and 1./3./4.3.2007

Internationale Tanzmesse NRW, Düsseldorf, Germany, August 2008
Dansens Hus, Stockholm, Sweden, September 2008
Full Moon Dance Festival, Pyhäjärvi, July 2007

Puna-Red-Rouge | photo: Petri Virtanen | in the photo: Sanna Kekäläinen

Puna-Red-Rouge | photo: Petri Virtanen | in the photo: Sanna Kekäläinen

Puna-Red-Rouge | photo: Petri Virtanen | in the photo: Sanna Kekäläinen

Puna-Red-Rouge | photo: Petri Virtanen | in the photo: Sanna Kekäläinen