Queer Elegies

Queer Elegies | photo: Robert Hoge | in the photo: Sanna Kekäläinen

This is about identity.
Feminine, northern identity or weird, multiple identity. Or whatever identity.
This is asking questions from the heart of Human diversity.
This is what is the not quite right.
This is how identity formulates life. How culture modifies identity.
This is about what/who is a woman and what/who is a man. Is there a(ny) difference?
This is about controversial existence.
This is a palimpsest of feminine existence.
This is a clashing of northern reality – identity – with the volcanic landscape of the return of the repressed.
My aim is to shake the power structures, our structures, power lines.
This is about the obsession with identity and, at the same time, its destruction.
This is off the bounds.
– Sanna Kekäläinen

Script, choreography, text and dance: Sanna Kekäläinen
Lighting design: Heikki Paasonen
Music: Dmitri Shostakovich, Niko Likainen
Production: K&C Kekäläinen & Company / Kiasma-teatteri

Production manager : Lilja Lehmuskallio
Graphic design: Oona Airas
Publicist: Aino Järvi-Eskola

*On Wednesday 25.9. we will organize a panel discussion with rector from the University of the Arts Tiina Rosenberg, docent, researcher in visual arts and fashion Annamari Vänskä, from Turku University gender studies researcher Anu Laukkanen and from Kiasma museum Leevi Haapala.

– Cannes Dance Festival, Cannes, France, November 2015
– RED Noroeste de Festivales de Danza: Festival Espuma Cuántica / Ensenada; XVI Muestra Internacional de Danza Contemporánea Cuerpos en Tránsito / Tijuana; Encuentro Internacional de Danza Entre Fronteras / Mexicali; Festival Un Desierto para la Danza / Hermosillo; XXVIII Festival Internacional de Danza José Limón / Mazatlán, Mexico, April 2014.

photos: FNG/CAA/Pirje Mykkänen |
in the photos: Sanna Kekäläinen

Premiere: 18.9.2013 at 7 pm
Kiasma Theatre
Mannerheiminaukio 2

20.9. at 7 pm
22.9. at 3 pm
25.9. at 6 pm (*Panel discussion after the performance)
28.9. at 3 pm (Artist meeting after the performance )
2.10. at 7 pm
4.10. at 7 pm
6.10. at 3 pm