Reality | photo: Olli Turunen | in the photo: Sanna Kekäläinen
REALITY grabs the concept of truth and brings it from the common to the private centre of existence of a human being. It reflects our physical and emotional existing finding deep, intimate moments and identifying common breathing.
Choreography: Sanna Kekäläinen
Dance: Sanna Kekäläinen, Jenni Koistinen, Kaisa Launis, Agnese Vanaga
Music: Aake Otsala
SACRE II is a new version of a solo Sanna Kekäläinen created to herself in 2001. SACRE II opens up from the conceptual point of view; the victim is a scapegoat that community projects both the evil and the desired it needs to free itself of.
The work is an interpretation of Vaslav Nijinski’s and Igor Stravinski’s creation The Rite of Spring.
Choreography: Sanna Kekäläinen
Dance: Lilja Lehmuskallio, Jenni Koistinen, Kaisa Launis, Agnese Vanaga
Music: Igor Stravinski (1882-1971): Kevätuhri (1947 version, Cleveland Orchestra, director Pierre Boulez)
Production: Kekäläinen & Company
Performances at The Cable Factory, Turbine Hall
14th April at 7 pm premiere
April 20/22/23/25/26/28/, May 3/4/6/7/9/11/12/13
Reality | photo: Olli Turunen | in the photo: Sanna Kekäläinen, Agnese Vanaga